The 4 Fundamentals of Spot-On Brick Takeoffs

brick takeoffs Jul 21, 2017

I’ve put together this 4 ½ minute “How-To” style video demonstrating a ridiculously simple way to get spot-on brick takeoffs.

I’ll show you a few tricks I’ve learned that really simplifies how to measure plans for brick takeoffs, that has a reliable waste factor automatically included.

As estimators, there’s actually just a few formulas we use to get brick order quantities from our plan measurements. I’ll show you the formulas I use when doing takeoffs by hand. Then, I’ll show-off my “Excel Formulas for Brick Takeoffs” spreadsheet (which I’ll send you for free if you want it), that does these calculations for you.


One thing we’ve learned in this profession … there’s no estimator alive that can match the speed and consistency of well written Excel formulas.

You might be wondering why I’m sharing my estimating tricks and Excel spreadsheet for free.


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